Project: Sands Casino, Bethlehem, PA
Estimated cost: $600 million
Details: Mixed-use resort complex including 457,000 square-foot casino, 318,000sf parking deck and 13-story hotel (265,000sf) on a 126-acre site.
Construction Management:
Alvin H. Butz
PO Box 509
Allentown PA 18105
Services: United Inspection services performed the construction quality control testing and inspection of soils, concrete, rebar, masonry, mortar, grout, fireproofing, post tension inspection, and floor flatness. Also, included was the coordination and scheduling of the shop and on-site inspection of all structural steel components.
UIS Contract total: $1.43 Mil
Result: The project was completed successfully.
Project: Keystone Cement Expansion, Bath, PA
Estimated Cost: $200 millionDetails: Modernization and expansion project of the Keystone Cement Bath Facility. Included in the project was the construction of a dry preheater, pre-calciner kiln, a 2,300 horse-power raw mill and a 6,000 horse-power finish mill.
Construction Management:
Keystone Cement
PO Box A
Bath PA 18014
Services: United Inspection Services provided the on-site construction quality control and inspection of all soil, concrete, grouting, and masonry.UIS Contract total: $205,000
Result: The project was completed as scheduled.
Project: Fred Jaindl Elementary School, Upper Macungie, PA
Estimated Cost: $21 millionDetails: New facility for grades K-8 housing approximately 435 students on a 20-acre site near Trexlertown, PA in the Parkland School District.
Construction Management:
Hill International Inc.
One Penn Square West
30 South 15th Street, Suite 1300
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Services: United Inspection Services provided all the construction quality control and inspection including soils, concrete, masonry block prisms, asphalt, and ground penetrating radar.UIS Contract total: $87,000
Result: The project was completed as required by the specifications and as scheduled.
Project: Cold Storage Facility, Humboldt Industrial Park, Hazleton, PA
Estimated Cost: $50 MillionDetails: A design engineered 34 acre site and construction of a 214,800sf freezer distribution warehouse including: 144,000sf of -20/+35 temperature controlled rooms, 28,000sf truck docks, 12,700sf rail docks, 29,300sf office space, and 20,000 pallet positioning.
Construction Management:
United Insulated Structures Corp.
5430 St. Charles Road
Berkeley, Il 60163
Services: United Inspection Services provided complete quality control testing and inspecting for this project including, geotechnical investigation and mine study with foundation recommendations and paving design. United Inspection Services also provided all soils, concrete, masonry, and asphalt paving inspections.UIS Contract total: $115,000
Result: The project was completed as scheduled.
Project: NE Pennsylvania Civic Arena & Convention Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Estimated Cost: $50 MillionDetails: 200,000sf multi-purpose arena to accommodate for 5,500 hockey spectators or up to 10,500 spectators for a sold out concrete.
Construction Management:
Hammes Company
5712 Odana Road
Madison, Wi 53719
Services: United Inspection Services provided complete quality control testing and inspection for this project including; concrete, Windsor probe, coring, batch plant inspection, pre cast inspection, floor flatness, masonry, soil compaction, soil bearing, asphalt paving, sprayed fire proofing, structural steel weld, bolt torque, and shop inspection.UIS Contract total: $278,000
Result: The project was successfully completed on schedule.
Project: Carbon Career Technical Institute, Jim Thorpe, PA
Estimated Cost: 20.5 MillionDetails: expansion and upgrade of the CCTI adding 33,000sf of classroom space and renovation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the existing building.
Construction Management:
Godshall Kane Architects
12 East Butler Avenue
Suite 205
Ambler PA 19002
Services: United Inspection Services provided all quality control testing and inspection for this project including, concrete, soils, masonry, and asphalt paving.UIS Contract total: $50,000
Result: The project was successfully completed on schedule.
Project: Pepsico Distribution Center, Crestwood Industrial Park, Mountain Top, PA
Estimated Cost: $36 MillionDetails: A 503,000sf distribution center located in Crestwood Industrial Park is a main hub in Northeast Pa for the distribution of Gatorade products.
Construction Management:
Higgins development Partners
408 Headquarters Plaza North
Morristown, NJ 07960
Services: United Inspection services provided all on-site construction quality control and inspection including, soils, concrete tilt up panels (flexural strength), masonry, asphalt, and floor flatness.UIS Contract total: $89,000
Result: The project was successfully completed on schedule.
Additional United Inspection Services Projects:
- Delaware Water Gap Welcome Center
- Bloomsburg University Field house, Hartline Science Center, and Navy Hall
- Wyomissing Square Apartments
- East Penn School District
- PepsiCo warehouse
- East Stroudsburg University Upgrades
- Nestle Waters upgrades
- Reinhart Foods
- North Pocono High Shool
- Shoppes at Strouds
- Wyoming Valley Levee
- Penn State University Hazleton, Schuylkill, and Dallas Campuses
- Kutztown University Library
- Hickory Run Service Plaza
- Tobyhanna Army Depot- multiple sites
- Yuengling Brewery Plant Expansion
- Holiday Inn @ East Stroudsburg
- Taylor Commons Shopping Center
- Air Products Upgrade
- Blue Mountain Elementary School
- PBS # 39 Building
- Steel Stacks Performing Arts Building
Additional United Inspection Services Clients:
- Allan A. Myers
- Arts Quest
- Alvin H. Butz
- Blue Mountain Ski Resort
- Eagle Rock Resort
- Eastern Industries
- East Penn School District
- Emmaus Constructors Inc.
- Hill International Inc.
- L.R. Costanzo Inc.
- Locust Ridge
- Lobar Inc.
- Miller Bros. Construction Inc.
- O’Brien-Kreitzberg Inc.
- Quandel Group Inc.
- Quad 3 Group Inc.
- Quality Assurance Plus
- Slusser Brothers
- Sordoni Construction
- Zamias Development