A thorough and properly performed geotechnical investigations and analysis should be one of the first steps for any proposed construction. Such an investigation and subsequent analysis will afford the building designers the on-site subsurface soil condition information and site preparation recommendations needed for the proper sizing and comprehensive design of the primary building components.
Geotechnical Investigations
- Standard Penetration Test Borings
- Auger Borings
- Rock Corings
- Groundwater Determination
- Undisturbed Sampling
- Split-Spoon Sampling
- Observation Wells
- In-situ Soil Profile and Classification
- Engineering Analysis and Foundation Design
- Settlement Analysis
- Paving Design Recommendations
Soil Testing
Today’s fast-tracked construction projects demand that contractors have current and accurate results of testing performed during soil placement. United Inspection Services realizes this need and has the trained and certified technicians available to perform the required soil testing to support your project.
With eighteen nuclear density gauges and a laboratory staffed and equipped to support your field services with timely results contacting United Inspection Services today can mean in-place density testing tomorrow. In addition to nuclear density gauge testing, United Inspection Services is equipped to perform either 6 or 12-inch sand core tests if required.
- Std/modified moisture density relations
- Grain-size analysis
- Atterburg Limits
- Soils Classifications
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
- Permeability
- Specific Granity
- In-place Density
- Compaction Control & Inspection
- Footing Verification
- Unconfined Compression
- Sand Equivalent Value
- Shrinkage Limits of Soil
- Relative Density
- Organic Content
- PH of Soil