Our Asphalt Paving Service
Utilizing our laboratory, field personnel or that of our affiliates United Inspection Services can provide the field inspection and laboratory testing required for any project.
Our inspectors are NECEPT- Penn Dot Certified Bituminous Pavement Field Technicians. In addition, United Inspection Services maintains eighteen (18) calibrated nuclear density gauges. Furthermore, four (4) of the eighteen (18) are thin lift gauges, while several others are coring rigs.
Testing Inspection Services includes:
- Firstly, specific Gravity of Asphalt Cores
- Secondly, Maximum Specific Gravity
- Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen
- Mechanical Sieve Analysis of Extracted Material
- Thickness of Bitumenious Concrete Cores
- Flow and Stability
- Asphalt Content/Gradation by Ignition Method
- In Place Density By Nuclear Method
- Box Sampling
- Lastly, Asphalt Coring Service